Forward Leadership Community
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Would a program such as
this be good at this stage in our church life?
The Forward Leadership program is designed to equip
leaders to initiate and implement change and renewal in their context. For most congregations in the synod they
stand poised at a crossroads. After
years of slow decline or lack of substantial growth, congregations are looking
at new directions for worship, programs and mission to address the needs and
challenges faced by God’s people today.
Leaders and members may be aware that the way they have been doing
things need to change, but are unsure of what to do or how to do it. As part of
the Forward Leadership Community your congregational Forward
Leadership Team will learn skills and strategies for
setting goals, creating action plans, and strengthening leadership skills while
sharing best practices and experiences with other teams participating in the
program. If your congregation is looking
to strengthen its mission and ministry, to experiment, innovate and explore how to “be church” in the 21st
century- then this program is for you!
2. We have just called a new pastor, can we still enroll in
the program?
Yes! Part of the Forward Leadership experience is for churches to undergo a rather extensive evaluation before we begin the program year. We use an on-line Congregational Assessment Tool to create a base line for each congregation. During a private consultation with a trained CAT interpreter your congregation’s leadership team will see what the congregation feels are high priorities for their growth, the factors that will contribute to the success of implementing change, areas of ministry that are that weak or problematic and areas that are currently healthy and strong. This information is very valuable as your congregation discerns what kind of programs would flourish and thrive in your current context. The synod is beginning to require that congregations in transition use the CAT as a part of the ministry site profile development. Congregations that have recently called a new pastor will have already completed the CAT and are great candidates for Forward Leadership. During that first year when the congregation and the rostered relationships and as well as provide opportunities for in depth learning and growth.
Yes! Part of the Forward Leadership experience is for churches to undergo a rather extensive evaluation before we begin the program year. We use an on-line Congregational Assessment Tool to create a base line for each congregation. During a private consultation with a trained CAT interpreter your congregation’s leadership team will see what the congregation feels are high priorities for their growth, the factors that will contribute to the success of implementing change, areas of ministry that are that weak or problematic and areas that are currently healthy and strong. This information is very valuable as your congregation discerns what kind of programs would flourish and thrive in your current context. The synod is beginning to require that congregations in transition use the CAT as a part of the ministry site profile development. Congregations that have recently called a new pastor will have already completed the CAT and are great candidates for Forward Leadership. During that first year when the congregation and the rostered relationships and as well as provide opportunities for in depth learning and growth.
The curriculum for the program year is designed to address
different aspects of leadership and negotiating change in an organization; a
change in pastoral leadership can be a catalyst for all kinds of things, both
positive and negative. The Forward curriculum covers areas of that include:
conflict resolution, community engagement, identification of adaptive challenges,
and recognition of different leadership styles and how diverse gifts can be
best utilized in the congregation. The results of the CAT inform how you will
apply these learnings within your congregation-giving you concrete areas of
focus for your ministries and programs.
3. Our congregation is thinking of enrolling in Forward
Leadership, what sort of commitment does the program entail?
Congregational teams consisting of the pastor and three-four lay
leaders will form the Forward Leadership Team. Congregations will sign a covenant promising
that the team will attend two overnight retreats, 6 seminar sessions, and one
congregation consultation meeting. Each congregation will form an
Accountability Team of 4-6 members that the Forward Leadership Team
will meet with periodically to share learnings and ideas about how new
strategies can be put into practice.
Congregations will agree to engage in this one program for the duration
of the year.
Forward Leadership Community
SAMPLE Seminar Schedule and Topics
SAMPLE Seminar Schedule and Topics
Retreat: @ Calumet,
Freedom, NH
Seminar: This is Broken
-Adaptive & Technical Change
Seminar: Crucial Conversations
Seminar: Finding your WHY
June (Optional)
New England Synod Assembly @
MassMutual Center
Willow Creek Global
Leadership Summit @ Multiple Host Sites
Seminar: Leadership Styles
Seminar: Community Engagement
Seminar: Hospitality 101
Retreat: @ Calumet,
Freedom, NH
Typical Saturday Seminar Agenda
9:00am-9:30am Gather
9:30am-9:45am Welcome/Updates
9:45am-10:45am Session 1
10:45am-11:00am Break
11:00am-12:00pm Session 2
12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm-2:00pm Session 3
2:00pm-2:30pm Wrap-up/Closing Devotions
2:30pm-3:00pm Team Discussions
4. What if I am unable to attend a seminar?
We strongly encourage members of Leadership Teams to attend all the retreats and seminars, but due to unforeseen circumstances this is not always possible. Forward Leadership Team members are allowed one excused absence during the program year. Consideration will be given for absences due to illness or emergency. In the case of a planned absence a member of the congregation’s Accountability Team is invited to attend the seminar in the Forward Leadership Team member’s place. We ask that Leadership Teams supply copies of resource materials to members who are unable to attend. Videos and PowerPoint from presentations may also be available upon request. In some instances, seminars will be repeated due to the geographic locations of participating congregations-if this option is available, an absence may be made up by attending the seminar at another host site. We also ask that those members who miss attending the seminar with their Leadership Team sit in on the de-briefing meeting with the Congregational Accountability Team.
We strongly encourage members of Leadership Teams to attend all the retreats and seminars, but due to unforeseen circumstances this is not always possible. Forward Leadership Team members are allowed one excused absence during the program year. Consideration will be given for absences due to illness or emergency. In the case of a planned absence a member of the congregation’s Accountability Team is invited to attend the seminar in the Forward Leadership Team member’s place. We ask that Leadership Teams supply copies of resource materials to members who are unable to attend. Videos and PowerPoint from presentations may also be available upon request. In some instances, seminars will be repeated due to the geographic locations of participating congregations-if this option is available, an absence may be made up by attending the seminar at another host site. We also ask that those members who miss attending the seminar with their Leadership Team sit in on the de-briefing meeting with the Congregational Accountability Team.
5. What is the cost?
The New England Synod is committed to fostering healthy and
effective congregations. Congregations
are asked to contribute $300 toward program materials and resources and private
CAT consultation. The cost of the Congregation Assessment Tool, CAT,
($430-$530) is the responsibility of each individual congregation and will be
paid directly to HolyCow! Consulting.
Congregations will be responsible for costs of accommodations, meals,
and other travel expenses related to the two overnight retreats and
transportation costs to the seminars. The New England Synod will underwrite all
remaining costs for the cohort group.
6. Is there scholarship
assistance available?
At this time, we are not offering financial assistance. With the
synod underwriting the much of the costs for implementing the program, the fee
has already been reduced from $1800 per congregation.
7. How do we apply?
We welcome motivated congregations and leaders to have honest
conversations about their participation.
All congregations are welcome to apply; however, space in the program is
limited. We encourage congregations to apply early as possible, as applications
will be considered on a first come first served basis. The deadline for
applications is September 30th for the upcoming new year. Apply online today by clicking on the link : FORWARD APPLICATION
8. Can you provide historical data indicating successes and
failures from utilizing this program?
There are a variety of ministries and initiatives that have grown
out of the work of Forward Leadership Teams. Some congregations have focused on
their specific areas of strength and moved forward from there, and others have
focused on addressing significant health and vitality issues identified by the
CAT. We have seen everything from launching a community garden, to making the
shift from clergy-centered to shared leadership models, to discovering congregational
identity and core values, to addressing entrenched conflict, and even becoming
mission partners with a new Latino congregation…there have been very diverse
visions and goals! We launched Forward Leadership in 2014 as a “pilot”
initiative; five congregations were invited to participate. We learned much
from that first year, especially that there was a real desire for this type of
collaborative learning community. Since then we’ve had 39 congregations enroll.
Contact Kim or Sara if you would like to contact participating congregational
teams about their experience with Forward Leadership.
We view the work of the Forward Leadership Community as
transformative; building upon the experience and learnings that that happen
within the program year congregational teams are given the tools and resources
to use not only within the framework of specific goals or changes articulated
after reflecting on the assessment but as they move forward and look to the
overall mission and vision for the congregation in the future. By working alongside other congregations, we
hope to establish a lasting network of support and collaboration. It is a one-year commitment but the learning
and growth do not stop there. Members of the community are invited to attend
alumni events where all the cohorts can come together to make new connections,
learn, and share new ideas and experience.
The Forward Leadership
Community was inspired by “Thrive”, a similar program developed
by the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, which has had great success. They are currently in their third year and
have graciously shared their experiences with us as we developed our program
here in the New England Synod.
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