About Forward - Schedule and Topics

Forward Leadership Community                
Leading Change for Mission Renewal

Forward Leadership is a 12-month learning initiative for clergy and lay leaders in the New England Synod. The Forward Leadership Community is a new learning model that combines congregational health assessment, leadership training, and practical experience in a collaborative environment.

Think Forward, Face Forward, Move Forward

The purpose of the Forward Leadership Community is to strengthen the effectiveness of motivated individuals and congregations through congregational and community assessment, leadership development, and engagement in mission renewal.

         Think Forward:

Ø  Objectively evaluate their current congregational ministry using the Congregation Assessment Tool (CAT) or Conversational Tool.
Ø  Develop an action plan for their congregation based on the results of the CAT (Vital Signs Report) and a congregational consultation.
Ø  Set long term and short term goals for ministry, renewal and growth

         Face Forward:

Ø  Become students of principles that lead to excellence in the practice of ministry.
Ø  Learn strategies and skills for implementing action plans, embracing congregational identity, negotiating conflict, facilitating change, and creating room for creativity and innovation
Ø  Grow in wisdom and understanding of how God is alive in their communities
Ø  Build up confidence in sharing one’s faith stories, being invitational, and engaging the religiously unaffiliated in conversations about faith.

         Move Forward:

Ø  Apply learnings in leadership development for use in their personal lives as well as in their congregations.
Ø  Connect with others in a collaborative learning environment and strengthen inter-parish relationships within the learning cohort
Ø  Practice communications skills
Ø  Report their experiences back to the group as they implement changes and move toward goals

Who may participate?

Congregational teams consisting of the pastor and three other leaders will form the Forward Leadership Team.  Congregations will sign a covenant promising that the team will attend two overnight retreats, 6 seminar sessions, and one congregation consultation meeting.  Each congregation will form an Accountability Team of 4-6 members that the Forward Leadership Team will meet with periodically to share learnings and ideas about how new strategies can be put into practice.

What is the cost?

The New England Synod is committed to fostering healthy and effective congregations.  Congregations are asked to contribute $300 for program materials and resources and the private CAT consultation. The cost of the Congregation Assessment Tool, CAT, ($430-$530) is the responsibility of each individual congregation and will be paid directly to HolyCow! Consulting.  Congregations will be responsible for costs of accommodations, meals, and other travel expenses related to the two overnight retreats and transportation costs to the seminars. The New England Synod will underwrite all remaining costs for each cohort group.

 How do we apply?

We welcome motivated congregations and leaders to have honest conversations about their participation.  All congregations are welcome to apply; however, space in the program is limited. We encourage congregations to apply early as possible, as applications will be considered on a first come first served basis. The deadline for applications is September 30th for the upcoming new year. Apply online today: FORWARD APPLICATION
For more information please email:

For more information visit us on facebook 

Sample Seminar Schedule and Topics

Retreat: @ Calumet, Freedom, NH
Seminar: This is Broken -Adaptive & Technical Change
Seminar: Anxiety, Conflict & Crucial Conversations
 Seminar: Finding Your WHY
June :(Optional)
New England Synod Assembly 
August: (Optional)
Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit
Seminar: Leadership Styles
Seminar: Community Engagement
Seminar: Hospitality 101
Retreat: @ Calumet, Freedom, NH

Typical  Seminar Agenda
9:00am-9:30am Gather
9:30am-9:45am Welcome/Updates
9:45am-10:45am Session 1
10:45am-11:00am Break
11:00am-12:00pm Session 2
12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm-2:00pm Session 3
2:00pm-2:30pm Wrap-up/Closing Devotions
2:30pm-3:00pm Team Discussions

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